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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Invetro & The Positive Pregnancy Test

February 25th was the day I had three little embryo (seen to left) placed inside of me.....Hoping that at least one little baby would decide to stay around, and praying that all three don't decide to stay around. I have been doing everything right. I drink a fruit smoothie every morning, and have gone to acupuncture 1-2 times a week.
As soon as the babies were placed inside of me, I went for a round of acupuncture. They focused on closing up my uterus, increasing blood flow to my uterus, & making the embryo strong. We hope it works!!!!

March 9, 2010

Monday was the big day..... My pregnancy test. I took the test in the morning while at work, and was going to wait on the results until I was getting off of work. Unexpectedly, WRAMC called me around 2 pm to give me the great news...... I'm pregnant. My HCG level was 233, which is an excellent number and a little above average. The first thing that popped in my head is oh my gosh is it twins. The nurse said way to early to tell, but it is a good possibility!!

Of course, I called Phil right away to give him the great news & he was ecstatic like myself. We were on cloud 9 for the rest of the day, just trying to make it though the rest of the day. I never thought it could really happen to me, because I was told all my life that I probably would have trouble conceiving.

When I got home, Phil had flowers waiting for me & he was smiling from ear to ear. He had the pregnancy glow :) Me too of course. We waited until we were home together before making the calls & of course our parents & sisters were just as excited as we were. My mom screamed & my dad couldn't hold back his excitement. Phil's mom & dad kept repeating, "were gonna have a baby" :) Happy times.... Now the planning begins....

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