Baby ticker

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Maternity tickers

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Morning Sickness

This morning, I woke up feeling great; almost too good. Phil came up behind me and asked how I was feeling, and I told him fine. We both were beginning to worry a little bit about how normal I still feel. Even at work, my friend asked me if I have felt sick, and I bragged about not having any morning sickness.... To ease my worry about still being pregnant, I decided to do another pregnancy test at the hospital.

I didn't have to worry long.... I would say, it wasn't even 10 minutes after doing the test that I started feeling nauseated. I bought a big sprite and started sipping it slowly. It helped the nausea a little bit, but it kept coming back in waves. :( I guess I deserve a little morning sickness since I was bragging about not having it. I got my pregnancy test back & my HCG levels are still climbing in the right direction and at the perfect level.

On a different note, Kristin is in town and we went shopping today for maternity/comfy clothes. We also stopped by the store to stock up on some basic pregnancy necessities... Crackers at bedside, preggie pops in purse, barf bag in car, and sprite in fridge. I am trying to be prepared for the worst. Tomorrow is our 1st pregnancy class that goes over the do's and don'ts of pregnancy. Phil and I are taking it together and looking forward to learning a little about what is to come...

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