Baby ticker

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Maternity tickers

Monday, September 20, 2010

32 Weeks

Well, we have made it to 32 weeks!! The babies are really starting to roll around & kick a lot more. In the last few days I could actually push on a body part and feel it move out of the way or kick back :) I love this feeling and hope I can experience this for a little longer. I feel great for the most part, but these 12 hour shifts at work kill me. We were so busy last week that I just came home & started whining at how badly my body ached. Phil did everything he could to make me comfortable & he even gave me a nice foot massage. I feel like I can't do this much longer, but as long as everything except my swelling is normal, the doctors don't seem anxious to reduce my hours. Friday was our 32 week doctors appointment, and it was quite a disappointment. We expected to see a doctor, but instead was scheduled to see a midwife who didn't seem to know anything about my history or me. She didn't even introduce herself & kept her back to my husband almost the whole time. We were hoping for some answers as to plans for the c-section, but she didn't have any answers for us. We asked her about reducing my hours, but she didn't seem too eager to make any changes. I guess it will take having problems in order to get a little time off work, but I don't want that. Otherwise all is well for now & we will keep you posted.

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