Baby ticker

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Maternity tickers

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

30 Weeks & growing

I am starting to feel huge!! Last night, Phil said he thinks I grew over the course of the day, but of course tells me I am beautiful. :) I am still working almost full time & my legs are so swollen with fluid that they started weeping fluid last night a little. Getting around is definitely getting harder & I try and put my feet up as much as possible on my days off. The baby room is almost complete. The last thing we need to do is decorate the walls with wall art, decals or possibly have a muralist come in & paint. I am getting so stressed about getting everything done!! I am working on trying to get my second round of thank you notes out for the last baby shower, and the hospital is throwing me a baby shower on September 17th. I will need to send out more thank you notes for that, and then I need to work on preparing birth announcements. I have been pretty good about doing my blog, but I haven't filled out the baby books or done scrap booking in forever. I need to start those ASAP. I just wish I had some help! We only have about 5-6 weeks to finish everything. We aren't even sure what we are going to do about child care. We are thinking about hiring a nanny, but it is going to cost around $2,000.00 a month. That just sounds crazy!! We are also looking into Nanny Cams & Phil has an appointment with ADT security on Saturday to discuss cost. Kids are so expensive!! :) Well, other than that things are good. We have our next doctors appointment on Sept 17th, before the shower, and hopefully we will find out more about a possible c-section date. We will keep you posted.....

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