So, we are still in the hospital, but hanging in there. Plan seem to change so much from day to day. One day it seems like I could go to c-section any day, and the next day it seems like we could hold out a few more weeks. It's all a matter of looking at labs, my physical health & the babies physical health. So far, the babies look great & are moving around like crazy. Nicholas challenges every nurse, every day, with trying to record his fetal heart rate tracing. He wiggles and rolls around the whole time making it almost impossible. Victoria is my good little girl who stays in one place & lets us monitor her easily. Don't get me wrong though, when she kicks & moves I really feel it; she hurts. :)
Right now, my blood pressures are still running high and stay around 150/86, even on a blood pressure medication. Usually I can tell when the blood pressure is higher than that because I start getting a headache. The doctors are also watching my platelets because they sometimes run pretty low. They won't let them get much lower than 100, and they have dropped to as low as 111. Today they are back up to 118 so that bought us a little more time (hopefully). It changes from day to day though. The other lab they watch closely is my protein in my urine. Tuesday the protein was 283, and we are checking it again tomorrow. Also, overnight I lost 3 Lbs of fluid last night. :)
My nurse explained a few things to me on the trends of preeclamptic moms. The doctors call us "Watch Pots", meaning they are watching the pot to make sure it doesn't boil over. Now that my protein is almost 300, I'm not going anywhere. They will watch my swelling, protein, reflexes, b/p's, platelets, and weight to determine when it's time to deliver. She said it isn't a question of if I'll get sicker, it's a question of when. She said she has seen women with protein slowly climb to as high as 5000, but as long as it slowly creeps up, the doctors just watch it. But, If from one protein check to the next my numbers double, that would be a reason to deliver me. Or, if I wake up weighing 5 Lbs more than the day before, with a migraine, swollen face, high b/p, hyper reflexes, upper gastric pain, they would deliver me. If my b/p's won't come down or get super high they will deliver me. I could still hang in there a while. :) I am remaining optimistic...