Baby ticker

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Maternity tickers

Friday, August 20, 2010

God placing people in our lives

So much has happened since my last posting. First of all, I want to mention how blessed we are & how god puts people in your/our lives when we really need them.
I joined a twins group in the past & it has really been an avenue for great resources. I had been thinking about transferring my prenatal care from Naval Hospital Jacksonville to Baptist Medical Center (a higher risk hospital). Baptist has a great NICU just in case the babies need one, plus it is attached to Wolfson's Childrens Hospital. Well, one of the ladies in my twins group had posted that she was selling bottles. I was interested & went to her house to pick them up. Wow, what a lot of bottles. As we got to talking, come to find out she has triplets (2 girls & 1 boy-see above picture of her.) that were natural- without invetro or any medications. Her husband is a fertility specialist & she is an OB Physician at Baptist & part of the only team of doctors that the Navy refers patients to at Baptist. I told Dr Fox that I was interested in transferring my care & she said that they usually don't accept patient transfers past 20 weeks, but she would wait for my consult & review my records with her team & make a decision. Well, 2 weeks later I got the call that I was accepted into Baptist!! Yea!!
On August 17th, I had a routine fetal echo done at Wolfson's Childrens Hospital to examine the babies hearts. Everything looked perfect with their little tickers. :)
Besides having twins on the way, another big event happening in our lives is Phil becoming VP & co-owner of beaches rehab. A few weeks back, I had gone to another girls house from my twins group who was giving away a stroller. Come to find out she is a lawyer who specializes in reviewing business contracts. Well, when it came time for Phil to have his business contract reviewed, Jen was our lady & she did a very thorough job. On Thursday, August 19th, Phil became co-owner of Beaches Rehabilitation. :)

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