Baby ticker

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Maternity tickers

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Tomorrow I will be 18 wks!! I can not believe that time has flown by so fast. Our pregnancy is 1/2 way over & where has the time gone. I am not sure if I am feeling the babies yet, but I occasionally feel a little flutter that might be them moving. I am dying to feel them kick & move around. Friday I was promoted to full Lieutenant in the US Navy. It means a lot more responsibility & leadership, and a pretty nice pay raise! Couldn't be better timing with two babies on the way. I had to buy a maternity uniform for the ceremony, because I have grown out of my regular uniform. :) The uniform is so so big right now, but it gives me a lot of room to grow.

Working on Labor & Delivery and being pregnant has a lot of perks. I am far enough along that the sexes could be determined by ultrasound, and I have had several doctors offer to do an ultrasound. It takes a lot of willpower to say no, but I want to wait till my scheduled appointment on June 25th. Our parents will be coming in for the ultrasound & we will all find out the babies sexes together. So exciting!!

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